Τα αθηναϊκά θερινά σινεμά φιγουράρουν στην τέταρτη (04) θέση της λίστας υπό τον γενικό τίτλο «City slickers – Top 25 urban design» που δημιουργεί για λογαριασμό των αναγνωστών του η νέα βίβλος του κοσμοπολίτικου διεθνισμού, το περιοδικό Monocle.
Outdoor cinemas
Athens, Greece
The Athenians know how to do cinema, but eschew velvet seats, popcorn and surround sound for the simple sophistication of gravel under foot, the scent of honeysuckle and jasmine, cold Mythos, sunflower seeds and moonlight. On sweltering summer nights, book your canvas director's chairs in one of Athens's 60 or so Therini Kinematografi and join the cicadas experiencing the stars beneath the stars.
Outdoor cinemas
Athens, Greece
The Athenians know how to do cinema, but eschew velvet seats, popcorn and surround sound for the simple sophistication of gravel under foot, the scent of honeysuckle and jasmine, cold Mythos, sunflower seeds and moonlight. On sweltering summer nights, book your canvas director's chairs in one of Athens's 60 or so Therini Kinematografi and join the cicadas experiencing the stars beneath the stars.
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